A new story from D.A. Hosek, “Place de Stalingrad”

"Place de Stalingrad" by D.A. Hosek asks is it better to make art that matters or art that makes money? If nobody wants art, what does the question matter? Find it in here in Ligeia Magazine, Spring 2022.

"Place de Stalingrad" by D.A. Hosek asks is it better to make art that matters or art that makes money? If nobody wants art, what does the question matter? Find it in here in Ligeia Magazine, Spring 2022.

If I go back home and get a day job, well, you know what happens eventually: that energy you have at the end of the day begins to vanish because nobody wants art.
— "Place de Stalingrad"
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Just Published, Short Story, D.A. Hosek Billy Gee Just Published, Short Story, D.A. Hosek Billy Gee

A new list story from D.A. Hosek, "The Norton Anthology of Self-Destructive Behaviors"

“The Norton Anthology of Self-Destructive Behaviors” by D.A. Hosek provides us list-lovers with a short story we can keep on our wall. Well, maybe a little dark for that, this well crafted story uses lists to build it’s drive and leave the reader lingering on the edge.

The Norton Anthology of Self-Destructive Behaviors” by D.A. Hosek provides us list-lovers with a short story we can keep on our wall. Well, maybe a little dark for that, this well crafted story uses lists to build it’s drive and leave the reader lingering on the edge. Find it in here in Meniscus, 9.1, 2021.

This is not a lifestyle to be proud of. The only possible reaction is disgust. It’s like encountering the festering corpse of a rat covered with maggots.
— "The Norton Anthology of Self Destructive Behaviors"
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Just Published, Short Story, D.A. Hosek Billy Gee Just Published, Short Story, D.A. Hosek Billy Gee

A new story “The Namesake” by a new CLW member

D.A. Hosek has joined us in our virtual Zoom world this strange year. Please check out his most recent publication in The Sandy River Review, “The Namesake”.

We are happy to welcome a new writer to our group. D.A. Hosek has joined us in our virtual Zoom world this strange year. We look forward to meeting him in corporeal form in 2021. Please check out his most recent publication in The Sandy River Review, “The Namesake”.

It began as a joke. I share my name with a famous author. I’d known as much since his first book appeared on the best seller lists, but I hadn’t known that we also shared a birth date.
— "The Namesake"
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